Thursday, February 19, 2015

Truck day!

One of the more bizarre rituals in Boston is Red Sox Truck Day.  This is a day in February where a truck leaves Fenway Park for spring training carrying all of the team equipment.  Exactly zero players or coaches attend, there are no giveaways or anything, and yet, people take the day off of work to stand in frigid temperatures and watch a TRUCK go down the road.  This is how desperate people are to know that spring will eventually arrive.

Wednesday was finally Tucker's actual truck day.  After a 5am wake-up call, I got to enjoy a lovely sunrise.  
 I still think the sun rising over palm trees will be a better sight

The tractor trailer he would eventually get on cannot get around the side roads with our current snow drifts, so smaller vans were sent to pick everyone up.  Tucker marched right on and proceeded to introduce himself to his neighbor via a game of face tag.  

It is a 28-30 hour drive even without having to reload onto the bigger truck, and this is ending up as a 36 hour+ trip since several farms didn't have their driveways shoveled (side note:  it hadn't snowed in over 48 hours, which is currently saying a lot.  Who doesn't remove snow from their driveway when they know they have a shipper coming?!).  My shipper was very kind and upgraded Tucker to a box stall to help ease the stress.  He looks so happy that I am now tempted to splurge for the box stall on the way home.  Thoughts?  He can rest for as long as he'd like when he gets back home, but it seems so much healthier for him to be able to lower his head and walk around.  That said, the cost is double.

His photo from last night (sorry for the poor quality) shows a very bright eyed and possibly punch drunk Tucker.  This morning's shot showed an equally healthy horse who was wondering if this trip was ever going to end.  He will get in this evening and have a few days to enjoy a Florida vacation.  Depending on how he does, he will start showing in some low classes with his pro next week.

I have two dogs, a Great Dane named Zeus and a Boston Terrier named Bolt.  Bolt is not a morning dog.  While Zeus gleefully accompanied me to the barn and had a fabulous doggy play date in the heated indoor, complete with a jolly ball, Bolt stayed in bed.  I got home a little after noon and this is what I found.

Me too, Bolt.  Me too.

I am off to Wellington tomorrow night for the weekend and am very excited to be reunited with my pony and my boyfriend.  Let the games begin. 


  1. Jealous you are going to WEF! Bring some sunshine and warm weather back to the Boston area when you return!

  2. Hello, I found your blog through Alli's shoutout on her blog! Looking forward to living vicariously through you, especially in terms of the warm weather!
